03 July 2018

Three Simple Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Why worry about your diet? Just order Lipozene (as seen on TV), the diet pill that "melts away fat" without making any changes in your diet or lifestyle. Just take Lipozene and lose "four times more weight" (they never say four times more weight than what).

I haven't taken Lipozene, but I do understand the appeal. Everyone would like a simple way to lose weight without having to make any effort. I'm not sure that's really possible. But a recent Japaneses study of nearly 60,000 men and women with Type-2 Diabetes published in the journal BMJ Open identifies 3 weight loss strategies that just might come close.

First, just slow down while you eat whatever it is that you are eating. The slowest eaters in the study were 42% less likely to become obese over the next five years than those who ate quickly. Take your time and chew. Savor the flavor.
Put your fork down between bites. I mean really, how hard is that?

Skipping any after dinner snacks and not eating within 2 hours of going to bed also reduced the likelihood of obesity.

It really won't get much easier than that.

Of course, there is always Lipozene.

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