07 September 2018

In the Bag

Washed, prepared and prepackaged greens and basic salads have become a popular item among busy people who are trying to get more vegetables into their diets. They certainly offer convenience. But do they have the same nutritional content as whole ingredients that you prepare yourself?

According to Sharon Palmer, a registered dietitian in Duarte, CA, all vegetables lose some of their vitamin content as they age. But the precut, packaged ones lose some vitamins like C, B vitamins and folate faster than whole vegetables and greens. This happens because the leaves undergo chemical changes that deplete vitamins more quickly because of the cut surfaces.

Still, there is nothing "bad" for you in the packaged greens, just less good. And anything that helps you to eat more of them is, on balance, a good thing. So go ahead and buy by the bag if that helps you consume more healthful greens and vegetables. To minimize the nutritional losses, refrigerate them immediately upon returning home and try to eat them within 2 or 3 days. If you intend to do any additional chopping, wait until right before you are going to use them.

Here is one case where you do not have to sacrifice healthful for convenience.

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