05 December 2018

3 Foods You Already Love that Promote Eye Health

For most of us, our eyes do not get much attention unless and until we have a problem with them. Perhaps you visit the optometrist every few years for new glasses or to update your contacts. Maybe you have gone the Lasik route and rarely see an eye professional at all. Yet our vision is our primary way of experiencing and interacting with the world around us. Maybe you should think about seeing a real ophthalmologist every 2 or 3 years (more often as you get older).

In the meantime, here are three foods that you probably already consume that are known to provide health benefits for your eyes.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a rich source of beta carotene (your body converts it to vitamin A), which helps prevent "dry eye" and night blindness. It may also help to slow the progress of macular degeneration - the #1 cause of new blindness. Other foods with high concentrations of beta carotene include carrots, butternut squash and spinach. Milk and eggs are also a good source of vitamin A.

Strawberries are vitamin C powerhouses. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can help reduce your risk of cataracts. Bell peppers, broccoli, cantaloupe and citrus fruits also contain lots of vitamin C.

The Omega-3 fatty acids in this oily fish offer protection against "dry eye", while the vitamin D helps avoid or slow macular degeneration. Other good sources of Omega-3s include walnuts and flax seeds, while milk and orange juice can help ramp up your vitamin D.

"See" you again soon!

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