27 September 2019

Two Really Great Reads

I don't often recommend books because, well, its 2020 and who reads books? I do though, and here are two really great ones that anyone interested in a long, healthy and happy life really ought to be reading.

"The Hacking of the American Mind" by Robert H Lustig, MD

The first half of the book is a little challenging, dealing as it does with the biochemistry of our brain and topics like pleasure vs happiness, addiction and stimulus-response. But the second half's detailed description of how corporations have applied neuroscience to manipulate our responses to their products and messages is a real page turner. Its scary stuff but in this case knowledge really is power.

"Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong about Everything? How the Famous Sell Us Elixers of Health, Beauty & Happiness" by Timothy Caulfield

An expose of the unholy alliance between Hollywood and Advertising that brings us irresistible science-free therapies, supplements, homeopathy, colonics and intravenous vitamins. Everything from the gluten free diet craze to Kim Kardashian's $500,000 social media posts. If you suspected that celebrity endorsements were mostly bogus, you were mostly right. But you had NO idea how far its gone.

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