Nearly 16% of Americans now test positive for antinuclear antibodies, a biomarker for autoimmune disease. According to the National Institutes for Health, that is up from 11% just a few decades ago. Autoimmune diseases occur when an overstimulated immune system begins to attack cells within the body that it is supposed to be defending. The result is a long list of illnesses that seem to be growing more common with each passing year. The list includes rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Celiac disease, lupus, Hashimoto’s disease, various allergies and many more.
Much research suggests that the increasing incidence of autoimmune diseases can be attributed to a small handful of factors: a diet of processed and ultraprocessed foods, chronic stress, disruption of the gut microbiome and common environmental toxins. If there is any good news in this, it is that all of these factors can be addressed directly by us as individuals. A good program for reducing your risk of developing an autoimmune disease, or helping to get it under control if you already have one is not complicated.
Move toward a Mediterranean diet. Emphasize fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, fatty fish, lean poultry and healthy fats like olive oil. Reduce or eliminate white sugar, white flour and as much processed and ultraprocessed foods as you can. Some people may also want to eliminate gluten, a protein that is found in wheat, barley and rye.
Take a Breath. Stress and autoimmune disease are strongly associated. Teach yourself to recognize when you are stressed, and develop techniques to deal with it. Take a walk. Practice breathing exercises or make some time in your day for meditation. Take a music break or have a cup of tea.
Support your gut. Recent research indicates that as much of 70% of your immune response originates in your gut. Following step one will support a healthy gut, but you can also take a probiotic supplement to help balance the microboita that inhabit it. Look for gluten and dairy free supplements that provide 25 to 50 billion “colony forming units” of lactobacillus and bifidus strains. It will also help to consume fermented foods and beverages which provide a more hospitable environment for the bacteria to thrive.
Detox your environment. Everything from cleaning products to toothpaste has the potential to expose you to toxic chemicals and pollutants. First, become aware of the products that you use in your home. Then take steps to replace worrisome ones with less problematic alternatives. Two of the most important steps you can take are to use natural cleaning supplies and filter the air you breath at home. Cosmetics and personal grooming supplies are also potential sources of toxic ingredients. Don't forget about pesticides on your food. And recently we are learning about the real dangers of microplastic particles.
Most of these steps can be gradually incorporated into you life without major disruption or inconvenience. And the benefits to your health may be significant. The point is, you have a lot of control over your health, if you will just exercise it.
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