19 May 2021

Two Quick Tips for Minimizing GERD



Acid reflux is a difficult condition to cope with and the common pharmaceutical approaches such as PPIs can cause serious side effects and even dependence. Andrew Rubman, ND, has two recommendations that he believes can offer at least some people relief without drugs.

1. Drink less or nothing at all while taking a meal. Water - or any liquid for that matter - can dilute stomach acid and interfere with the proper digestion of food.

2 Try taking melatonin. "It seems to be able to have a calming influence on one of the major substances created in the GI tract," says Rubman, "which allows for the smooth movement of muscular contractions, opening and closing of valves, processing of foods, etc. So it’s really like getting a good manager in to run your factory, and things run more smoothly."

I can't say if either of these tips will be helpful for you, but they have worked for others so perhaps they are worth a try.

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