We all hear about the importance of creating a healthy, wellness lifestyle. But what does that really mean? Most of us know it has something to do with what we eat and whether or not we exercise. But what, exactly? And what are the most important elements of a wellness lifestyle?
Here are five key lifestyle steps from Consumer Reports On Health newsletter.
1. Get enough restful sleep.
For most people that means 7 to 9 hours per day. Contrary to popular belief we do not need less sleep as we age. Sleep patterns can shift with age though and many older adults find them selves waking earlier and retiring sooner than they used to. Your mind and body do maintenance and repair while you sleep, so don't cut it short.
2. Drink Less (or No) Alcohol
Current dietary guidelines recommend that women have no more than one alcoholic drink per day and men no more than two. But recent research suggests that no amount of alcohol consumption is safe and that even one drink per day raises your risk of cancer, cardiovascular issues, hypertension and cognitive decline.
3. Exercise
There is it. The one we all hate. But there is just no getting around it. The human body was not designed for a sedentary existence. All adults should strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. This can include aerobic activity as well as strength building exercise. Adults 65 and older should include stretching and balance exercises as well. Stop making excuses and just do it.
4. Fewer Calories
Dietary guidelines suggest 1,800 calories per day for women and 2,300 for men. This assumes moderate daily activity - say regularly walking 1 or 2 miles. If you are inactive, the numbers drop to 1,600 for women and 2,000 for men. Very few people meet these limits, which no doubt explains why so many of us are fat. And that extra weight increases your risk for cancer, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Just stop eating so much.
5. Fruits and Vegetables.
Like it or not, your mother was right. Its not manly to "not like vegetables", its stupid. The greatest benefit comes from eating five servings a day of each but even half that amount will reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer.
Most of this is not new advice and the fact that we continue to hear it is a testament to how resistant we are to doing what is good for us in the face of convenience, habit and salt/sugar addiction. None of these things cost much money and all of them are 100% under your control. Pay now, or pay later.
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