Strawberries are at their peak in late June and early July. They are an unusual food in that they are not only delicious but they are among the very healthiest fruits that you can eat. Great tasting AND good for you? How often does that happen?
Strawberries are a juicy, red fruit with a high water content (90%). That means they have a incredibly low calorie density. A whole pound of strawberries is just 150 calories. The seeds provide plenty of dietary fiber per serving. Strawberries contain many healthful vitamins and minerals. Of particular note, they contain anthocyanins, which are flavonoids that can help boost heart health. The fiber and potassium in strawberries can also support a healthy heart.
A serving of 3 strawberries gives you just 17 calories, 4 carbs and a gram of fiber. They also contain also thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and vitamins B-6, A and K, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
But enough about that, they taste great! You can toss them on cereal, waffles, french toast or yogurt and spark up breakfast. You can blend them into a smoothie or snack on them plain or with a soft cheese. Put them on a salad. Improve your deserts by having them on ice cream. If you are talented and motivated you can even make them into jam.
It is true that strawberries will spoil quickly. They are like little sponges so it is important to keep them as dry as possible. Store them in the refrigerator in a large covered container with paper towels between the layers, ideally not touching. Do not rinse them off until right before you plan to eat them.
If you bought too many to use up quickly, they are easy to freeze and will keep well that way. Trim off the tops, rinse them, cut them in half and let them air dry on a paper towel. Once dry, freeze them in a single layer and then transfer to a freezer bag. (You can freeze them directly in the bag, but they will all sick together.)
Choose organic if you can. All berries tend to have higher traces of pesticides and fertilizers than other fruits. If you can't get organic just rinse them well before eating.
Whether you get them at a farmer's market or your regular grocery, this is the time to enjoy them.
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