26 August 2022

Embracing Aging


All of us age. And we are going to continue to age, until we don't. In 2020, about 17% of the US population was over 65 years old and by 2050 that is expected to increase to about 1 in 4 Americans. The negative perceptions of aging are many and so it is no surprise that a $40B (2020) "anti-aging" market has emerged and is projected to reach over $80B by 2030.

But here is the thing..... you can have facelifts until your navel is on your chin but you are still going to age. Your body is going to change and there is not a lot you can do about that other than die. But the news is not all bad. While there is no way to "turn off the clock" (let alone to turn it back), it absolutely is possible to age better, healthier and happier than ever before. There is a lot that you can do to ensure that your seventies, eighties and even more are vital, active, healthy and happy years.

September is Healthy Aging Month. Now in its second decade, Healthy Aging Month provides focus, inspiration and practical ideas for adults to improve their physical, mental, social and financial well-being. “Use September as the motivation to take stock of where you’ve been, what you really would like to do if money was no object,” says Carolyn Worthington, editor-in-chief of Healthy Aging® Magazine. “And try it! Who says you have to do something related to what you studied in school? Who says, you can’t start your own home business later in life, test you’re your physical prowess, or do something wildly different from anything you’ve done before? Only that person you see in the mirror! It’s never too late to find a new career, a new sport, passion or hobby.”

Since I turned 70 in January, healthy aging is of more than academic interest to me. So I will be using September to explore a range of topics of interest to us old codgers. Hope you will be here and please do contribute your own ideas and experiences.

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