29 January 2024

The Amazing Miracle Anti-aging Regimen


People across the country (USA) are taking a host of prescription pills, seeking out treatments like peptide injections, and implementing a range of behavioral practices in the hopes of reversing - or at least slowing down - the aging process. Its not just for Silicon Valley billionaires any more. By 2028, the global longevity market is expected to reach close to $183 billion annually.

It is important first to distinguish between chronological age and biological age. Chronological age is simply how many years you have been around and there is nothing you can do about it. In contrast, Biological age is a measurement that, instead of tracking years, looks at chemical markers on DNA that show how our biological systems are actually aging. For an individual in their 30s, a biological age of 50 means their biology more closely resembles someone 20 years their senior. Similarly, that spry old 75 year old down the block that you see jogging every morning may be biologically many years younger.

There are a lot of things that you can do to impact your biological age and you can start doing them at any time. For the most part they are all the usual suspects: diet, exercise, sleep quality, not smoking, minimizing alcohol and reducing your exposure to environmental toxins. These will all have a positive impact. But one thing has been shown to have an outsized effect on your biological age. It isn't a miracle and, actually, it isn't really all that amazing. In fact it is something you are most likely already doing, just not doing enough. But it does really work. It's not a supplement or special diet or regular hyperbaric chamber visits.

Just 10 minutes of brisk walking every day can lop off more than 15 years from your biological age. How fast is "brisk"? If you can talk comfortably with some breathlessness, you’re probably walking at a moderate but brisk pace. Read more about the positive effects of regular brisk walking here.

Curious about your own biological age? Use this calculator to get an estimate.

For me? My chronological age is 72, my biological age is 63 and my life expectancy is 94. Not bad but I think I can do better.

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