30 April 2020

CBD vs Opiods

Medical marijuana has been used for years now as a treatment for chronic pain, among other things. More recently, CBD has been getting a lot of attention as the active ingredient responsible for most of marijuana's medically interesting properties. CBD (cannabidiol) is distinct from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the substance the produces marijuana's characteristic "high". CBD is also commonly extracted from hemp, which has very low concentrations of THC.

The exact mechanism by which CBD acts as an analgesic (pain reliever) is not well understood and is the subject of much research. But it is known to be a very powerful anti-inflammatory, and inflammation is at the root of many conditions responsible for producing pain. Examples would be arthritis, lupus and the swelling caused by surgery or injury.

Opiod drugs work on specific pain receptors in the brain and cause the release of dopamine, which creates a powerful state of euphoric well-being. Unfortunately, dopamine is implicated in nearly all addictions. So far as is known, CBD does not stimulate the release of dopamine. It also does not produce the sensations of dizziness or sleepiness that opioids often do.

Of course not everyone has the same experience and your mileage may differ. If you need help dealing with a painful condition, especially a chronic one, confer with your doctor to create a custom pain management plan for you. And don't overlook ibuprofen, acetaminophen or motrin as additional alternatives.

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