01 May 2020

Healthy Nighttime Noshes

Admit it. We all have those moments when it is nearly time to hit the sheets, but we're craving a snack before we do. Rather than reaching for ice cream or chocolate chip cookies, here are four tasty and healthy alternatives from dietician and nutritionist Janet Bond Brill. Guilt free late night enjoyment under 200 calories.

Chocolate covered banana.

Chocolate is not bad for you. Milk chocolate maybe, but there are actually numerous health benefits to consuming dark chocolate on a regular basis, provided it is only in moderation and individuals don't find themselves eating multiple dark chocolate bars every day. Combine it with the potassium-rich banana and you have a healthy treat. Slice up the banana, melt some dark chocolate  baking chips in the microwave, drizzle the chocolate over the banana and top with a spoonful of fat-free whipped topping.

Pumpkin pie Greek yogurt.

Plain Greek yogurt is an outstanding, low-fat source of protein and calcium. Pairing it with a little pumpkin puree (available canned) adds yet more protein and a generous dose of antioxidants. And what could be easier than just stirring the two together?

Bell peppers with a spicy dip.

Bell peppers are a near calorie free source of vitamins and fiber. They aren't bad just eaten by themselves. But pair some pepper slices with a zesty hummus, salsa or honey mustard (yes just mix honey and mustard) and you have a filling and tasty snack.

Cinnamon apple chips.

If its chips you are craving try thinly slicing up an apple (just leave the skin on) and coating them with cinnamon and a healthy sugar substitute like stevia. Heat a low oven (225 degrees is good), spread the apple slices out on a baking sheet covered with a sheet of baking parchment and bake for 45 minutes, flipping once about halfway through. Sweet, crunchy and high in fiber.

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