There is really no question about whether or not processed meats are healthy food. They aren't. The World Health Organization warns that a person who eats just 2 slices of bacon each day increases their risk of colorectal cancer by almost 20%. But what about eating bacon, sausages, hot dogs or lunch-meat just occasionally. Is that safe? And how often is "occasionally" anyway?
All of these meats are high in saturated fats, sodium and nitrate preservatives (not to mention calories), so they should absolutely not be a staple part of anyone's diet. Besides raising your cancer risk they also put you at higher risk for heart disease. Still, having a weekly serving (2 slices of bacon, one sausage or hot dog, or 3 ounces of ham is most likely not a problem for most people, according to Lauri Wright, chair of the department of nutrition and dietetics at the University of North Florida.
So go ahead and have some bacon with your Sunday morning meal. Just don't forget that it is loaded with things that are doing you no good. Enjoy it. But avoid it the for rest of the week.
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