There is good news and bad news today about alcohol and coffee and how they do or do not affect your heart health. First, the bad news....
Drinking red wine is not going to help your heart. For some time it has been reported that moderate red wine consumption reduced rates of heart disease. In fact, an analysis of 370,000 adults discovered that it just ain't so. Using more detailed data, researchers found that people who consumed only one glass of red wine per day or less also tended to exercise more, eat a healthier diet and generally have a healthier lifestyle than those who drank more. Drinking one 6oz glass per day has essentially no impact on hearth health but heavier consumption dramatically increases your risk.
The good news?
Drinking coffee is clearly associated with lower risk for heart disease and a longer lifespan compared with those who rarely or never drink coffee. After tracking more than 380,000 adults for over a decade, researchers found that drinking two to three cups of coffee per day lowered the risk of heart disease by about 15%. It made no detectable difference if regular or decaffeinated coffee was consumed.
So, if you are in good health and enjoy a glass of wine, go ahead and keep enjoying it. Just do so in moderation and don't expect any hearth health benefits. If you drink coffee, keep on drinking it.
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