12 July 2022

Walking It Off


It is not breaking news that regular exercise has serious health benefits for anyone, anywhere, at any age. Over the past few years, walking and staying active have started to become trendy. Hitting a certain number of steps for the day and corporate walking challenges have helped to improve daily physical activity for lots of people who were previously sedentary. 

A large body of research continues to confirm that regular exercise is beneficial for your overall health, but also that walking regularly itself has several benefits which include improving and maintaining hearth health, helping control weight and combat obesity, supporting joint health, managing blood sugar levels and promoting better mental health. You don't need any special skills or expensive equipment (except perhaps a dog), you can do it alone or with friends and and you can do it when and where it is convenient for you.

To get started walking, all you need is a pair of sturdy walking shoes. Choose a walking route near your home. Or look for a scenic place to walk in your area, such as a trail or on the beach. You can also recruit a friend or family member to walk with you and hold you accountable. And it is easy to add walking into your daily routine. Here are some ideas:

  • If you commute, get off your bus or train one stop early and walk the rest of the way to work.
  • Park farther away from your office than usual and walk to and from your car.
  • Consider walking instead of driving when you run errands. You can complete your tasks and fit in exercise at the same time

Here are some tips for staying safe and comfortable while walking from healthline.com:

  • Walk in areas designated for pedestrians. Look for well-lit areas if possible.
  • If you walk in the evening or early morning hours, wear a reflective vest or light so cars can see you.
  • Wear sturdy shoes with good heel and arch support.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
  • Drink plenty of water before and after your walk to stay hydrated.
  • Wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, even on cloudy days.

And if you are here in Colorado like I am, stay aware of the weather. It can change drastically over the course of a 30 minute walk.

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