10 August 2020

A Pandemic Sliver Lining

There is precious little good coming out of the Coronavirus pandemic so far. But one possible silver lining to all this physical isolation (I don't feel isolated socially) is that people are relearning a dying art - cooking at home. Most everyone is eating at home most all the time now. But a recent survey by market research firm Hunter International found that people are not only eating at home but 54% of them are doing all or most of their own cooking. And discovering that it is really not that difficult and that they can do it pretty well.

A January 2020 study published in Public Health Nutrition suggests that people who cook and eat at home have healthier diets and better health outcomes. (What a shock right?).

The Hunter survey also concluded that 57% of Americans say they are wasting less food during the pandemic and exploring the internet for recipes using ingredients they already had on hand so as to minimize trips to the grocery store.

It seems likely that when the pandemic is finally defeated that not everything will return to precisely the way it was before this began. If people cook and eat at home more and at restaurants less often after this is over, we may eventually count that as a wellness win for us all.

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