25 August 2020

COVID-19: Where to Turn for Objective Information

In past national crises, I remember Americans coming together. Like a family that squabbles constantly, a threat from the outside made us close ranks. But the current pandemic seems to have only driven us farther apart. It is increasingly difficult to know where to turn for objective, reliable information. As social media spawns legions of new public health, infectious disease and epidemiology experts and broadcast media feeds their viewers what they want to hear, it is increasingly difficult to know where to turn for objective, reliable information.

Here are four web sites that I believe supply just that. They have no products to sell and no political ax to grind. If you know of any others, please post them to to comments. Its time for Americans to start pulling together again.


Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. 


This site has daily updates on cases and deaths and map displays so you can see what that means in your locale. There is also a great explanation of the pros and cons of the various types of tests (there is more than just one) and advice for what to do if you think you may be infected.

Be aware that many fake news sites and scammers will claim to be from John Hopkins University (without the s) and should be ignored.

The New England Journal of Medicine


One of the most respected and credible medical journals in the world. This is the place to look for reliable information on the latest virus research and vaccine development information.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest


A ruthlessly apolitical, science-based organization, this site is a compilation of links to other sites that track Covid-19 research.

The Federal Trade Commission


Sadly, the pandemic is viewed by scammers as a golden opportunity. Scams are not only trying to steal your money with useless preventatives and cures, but also to sow doubt and stir political unrest.

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