28 August 2020

Televangelist Tries to Cash in on Covid

Televangelist Jim Bakker (yes, that Jim Bakker) is being sued by the State of Missouri, is under threat of an additional lawsuit by the State of New York and has a desist warning in place from the FDA over his promotion of an $80 "silver solution" cure for Covid-19.

Silver Solution "has been proven by the government that it has the ability to kill every pathogen it has ever been tested on, including SARS and HIV." Four 4-ounce bottles could be yours for just $80.

Unfortunately for Bakker, there is no such proof.  For the past two decades, the FDA's message has been clear: silver does not work to combat serious diseases. Over-the-counter drugs that contain colloidal silver ingredients "are not generally recognized as safe and effective," it says. According to the National Institutes for Health very little evidence backs up the health-related claims of silver. "Colloidal silver can be dangerous to your health," the NIH says.

But, hey, what is a little risk to your health compared to the benefit to this man of the cloth's bank account right?

To add insult to injury, the good media pastor received over $650,000 in Payroll Protection Program money. On April 28, the pastor received approval for an amount between $650,000 and $1.7 million in Paycheck Protection Program funds despite the fact that the program requires that applicants not be "engaged in any activity that is illegal under federal, state or local law". Selling a fake "treatment" for the COVID-19 disease violates state and federal law.

Perhaps the scariest part of this entire episode is that there are still people who listen to and follow this disgusting parasite.



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