26 March 2021

Five Habits that Help Tame Heartburn


A study that followed over 42,000 American women for 12 years has identified five lifestyle habits that reduced heartburn/acid reflux symptoms by almost 40%. Published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the study concluded that the following habits reduced the occurrence and severity of the condition.

1. Maintaining a healthy weight. Carrying too much weight for your height increases the prevalence of reflux diseases. Don't know your target weight? This chart will get you in the ballpark.

2. Never smoked. If you do smoke, for the love of god stop.

3. Doing about 30 minutes of moderate activity every day. You don't have to be a gym rat to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Just get up and move.

4. Drinking no more than two cups of coffee, tea or carbonated beverages per day. That's total, not each.

5. Eating a regular diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, fish and poultry.

If these recommendations sound familiar, maybe consider that adopting all or most of them may provide benefits far beyond relief from heartburn.

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