1. Which restaurant dish is most likely to have fewer than 1,200 calories?
A. Kung Pao Chicken. Non-chain restaurant main dishes averaged
1,300 calories in a 2013 study. The other choices all contained
more than 1,400. The worst was the tandoori chicken with
2. Which frozen desert has the least amount of added sugar per serving?
A. Beyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream. A 2/3 cup serving contained
3.5 tsp of added sugar and 170 calories. Not great but a bargain
compared to the sorbet. Hagen Dazs manages to squeeze 9.5
tsp of sugar into it.
3. Which plant-based milk has about the same amount of protein as regular dairy milk?
D. Pea. Pea milks provide 8 to 10 grams of protein per cup,
compared to 8 grams per cup for dairy milk. Soy milk also
come close with 6 to 8 grams but most other plant-based
milks provide only 1 to 3 grams of protein.
4. Which of the following is most likely to interfere with many prescription medications?
C. Grapefruit juice. It interferes with an enzyme responsible for
metabolizing about 50% of all prescription medications.
5. Regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of all but one of the following. Which one?
D. Heart disease. Research is ongoing but people who regularly
consume coffee (regular or decaf) have a lower risk of liver
cancer and diabetes. Regular coffee drinkers also have a lesser
risk of developing Parkinson's.
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