01 April 2022

Five Steps that Actually Do Boost Immunity


These days it can be hard to turn around without bumping into another food, supplement, elixir or magic pill that promises to boost, strengthen, support or supercharge your immune system. From late night TV commercials, to the internet, grocery store and print media amazing immunity solutions are everywhere. The real question is, do any of them work?

The reality is that there is no simple, one-size-fits-all solution to optimizing the performance of your immune system. Not everyone reacts to infections or other threats in exactly the same way. And what you often don't hear from companies selling amazing immunity boosters is that an overactive immune systems is just as bad as a weak one. Auto-immune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and allergies are just some of the gifts that a too-strong immune system might bestow.

Supporting the immune system then is definitely not a matter of finding the right pill or supplement. But that doesn't mean that there is nothing you can do to support a balanced, effective immune system. Here are five lifestyle factors that will help, and you don't need to buy anything special to incorporate them.

Get Enough Restful Sleep.  When you are asleep, your immune system is working hard. From reprogramming your T-cells to respond to new threats to producing proteins that they use to kill invaders, your immune system uses sleep to recharge itself. If you do not get adequate sleep, your immune system cannot work at full capacity.

Wrangle Your Stress. Stress grips everyone. It is just a part of life that is not going away. So you may as well learn to deal with it. Chronic stress, in particular, can increase your risk of many illnesses and compromise your immune system's ability to deal with them. Cortisol, glucagon and prolactin are hormones that your body produces in response to stress and persistently high levels can cause high blood pressure and chronic inflammation. Exercise is a great stress reducer, as are a meditation practice, breathing exercises and spending time doing things you find enjoyable. Drinking alcohol and scrolling social media are not.

Protect Your Microbiome. The intestinal microbiome is a signalling hub that integrates environmental inputs, such as diet, with genetic and immune signals to affect the your metabolism, immunity and response to infection. Aberrations in the communication between the innate immune system and the gut microbiota contribute to many complex diseases.The bacteria in your gut breaks down food to provide energy and repair and protect parts of the immune system. Adding fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir or yogurt to your diet can help maintain the delicate balance in your gut. The evidence for pre or pro biotic supplements is sketchy at best, despite what the marketing department tells you.

Upgrade your nutrition. Adding more plants to your diet will feed your microbiome and benefit your health in many ways. Avoiding processed foods and, especially, sugar, will help reduce inflammation. Here is one place where a general, broad spectrum supplement may actually be helpful to close any gaps between what you eat and the nutrition your body needs to maintain and repair itself.

Detoxify Your Home. The immune system has to fight off more than just viruses and bacteria. When it encounters the harmful chemicals, pesticides or heavy metals that infect far too much of our food, water, cleaning and personal care products it responds to them as well. An environment heavy in these pollutants keeps your immune system working in overdrive. Choosing organic foods when you can helps reduce pesticide residue in your diet. Avoiding plastic packaging as much as you can, drinking filtered (not store-bought bottled) water and choosing less-toxic personal care and cleaning products lowers the toxin level and gives your immune system a rest. The Environmental Working Group (www.EWG.org) is a good source to find less toxic brands.

We would all love to find a cheap, simple, easy way to maintain a strong immune system. And many companies are happy to sell you one. Unfortunately few of them do any good. Save your money and upgrade your lifestyle instead.

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